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Legal Disclaimer

IMPORTANT: The suggested nutritional program, dietary, and supplement information that you will be provided with is not intended as primary therapy for any disease or symptom. Our intention is to make a good nutritional suggestion; suggest vitamin and mineral supplements, an exercise program, and give you suggestions on ways to lower your stress. These consultations are not for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease; this is an adjunctive schedule of nutrients, supplements, physical exercise, and stress lowering techniques which is solely provided for supporting the physiological and biochemical processes of the human body.


Dr. McKinney is a homeopathic physician and does not treat or diagnose medical conditions. These consultations are not a replacement for medical counseling by a medical doctor.  If you I have a medical condition, you might want to consider seeking advice from a main stream medical doctor, who will prescribe drugs and/or surgery for you.


It is your personal decision whether or not to follow the natural health suggestions offered.

Privacy Policy

We value your privacy as much as we do our own!   So will never willing share your personal information with anyone.  The only thing that could possibly change that would be a legal and valid court order     

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