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Initial Consultation

Information about your Initial Consultation with Dr. McKinney

1 h
175 US dollars
Zoom Call

Service Description

Hello! I'm Dr. Randy McKinney, your ultimate ally in overcoming the health challenges that you are facing which are keeping you from having a better life. Working together, and using non-drug therapies, I will help you navigate along this new road to health and show you how to reach your full potential! Be forewarned…I am very blunt, and I do not have time to tap dance around something as vitally important as your health! And you don’t have time for a tap dance doctor either! I will come right out and tell you want the deal is. “Men like me are impossible until the day when they become necessary.” Victor Hugo By submitting your New Patient Intake Form and making an appointment for your Initial Consultation you have made a life changing decision to improve your health, BRAVO! We are proud of you! Your Initial Consultation with me will last about an hour, so please block off that amount of time so that we are not interrupted. During your Initial Consultation we will go over your New Patient Intake Form and we will discuss your condition, concerns, and health goals in greater depth. I will make recommendations to you as to various supplements (which Mardi will email you links to) that you will need to purchase. (All but two supplements are available through outside sources and we do not receive any compensation from these suppliers. We sell only two supplements, Dysentery Stop and Trace Minerals.) I will tell you about dietary changes that you will need to make and we will talk about your stress levels. We will also discuss the causes of your disease and I will give you recommendations as to what you need to start doing for your road back to wellness. “If you want to feel better tomorrow than you did yesterday, then you will have to make some different choices today.” Dr. M.T. Morter Jr. BS, MS, DC So, make no mistake about this…you will have to make some lifestyle changes. If you are not willing to do that then you are not only wasting your money, but you are wasting my valuable time. Follow up consultations will be needed so that, among other things, we can monitor your progress, make additional suggestions, answer all of the many question that you will have as you start feeling better, and from time to time change your supplement regime by adding new ones and stopping the ones that you are taking as your health improves. We look forward to traveling the road to health with you! God Bless you, Dr. McKinney

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