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New Patient Intake

New Patient Information We do not accept insurance

15 minPhone Call

Service Description

For your New Patient Intake Form please email us ( or call us (+1-907-222-2222). In order to be able to best assist you in obtaining your peak health we need to know quite a lot about you. So, when you receive your New Patient Intake Form, please fill it out as completely as possible then email your form to Mardi at the email address above. (All of your personal information will be kept in the strictest confidence and we promise you that we will NEVER share it with anyone!) After Mardi receives your completed New Patient Intake Form, she will call you to ask you any additional questions that we might have, and ask you for any additional information that we might need. During this process Mardi will set you up with an appointment for your Initial TeleMed Consultation with Dr. McKinney via Zoom. Your Initial Consultation with Dr. McKinney will take about an hour, so please block off that much time so that there are no interruptions. We look forward to helping you overcome your health challenges naturally and seeing you became the best version of you! May GOD Bless you with excellent health, Dr. McKinney and Staff

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